Hellman, Lillian
PersonaTitoli collegati
- Another part of the forest : a play in three acts / by Lillian Hellman
- Another part of the forest : a play in three acts / by Lillian Hellman. - New York : The Viking press, 1947.
- The autumn garden : a play in three acts / by Lillian Hellman
- The children's hour : a play in three acts / Lillian Hellman
- Days to come / Lillian Hellman
- Una donna segreta / Lillian Hellman. - Roma : Editori riuniti, 1982.
- Four plays / by Lillian Hellman ; whith an introduction by the author. - New York : Random House, 1942.
- La guardia al Reno / Lillian Hellman
- The little foxes / Lillian Hellman
- Pentimento ; e, Il tempo dei furfanti / Lillian Hellman. - Milano : Adelphi, 1978
- Pentimento ; e, Il tempo dei furfanti / Lillian Hellman. - Milano : Euroclub, 1979.
- Il tempo dei furfanti / Lillian Hellman
- Watch on the Rhine / Lillian Hellman