Radio drama in action : twenty-five plays of a changing world / edited by Erik Barnouw. - New York ; Toronto : Farrar & Reinehart, c. 1945.
New York ; Toronto : Farrar & Reinehart, c. 1945
Descrizione fisica
XII, 397 p. ; 21 cm
Paese di pubblicazione
Stati Uniti
Lingua del testo
Radiofonico - Teatro - Testi
Collocazione: R. 1241Localizzazione: Centro Studi TSTNumero inventario: 3773Restrizioni all'accesso: LiberoStatus di disponibilità: Disponibile
responsabilità secondaria
- Against the storm / Sandra Michaelp. 345-351
- The battle of the Warsaw ghetto / Morton Wishengradp. 31-45
- The " boise" / Ranald MacDougallp. 251-265
- Booker T. Washington in Atlanta / Langston Hughesp. 283-294
- Bretton woods / Peter Lyonp. 79-89
- A child is born / Stephen Vincent Benétp. 111-133
- Columbus day / Orson Welles ; in collaboration with Robert Meltzer, Norris Houghtonp. 1-15
- Concerning the red army / Norman Rostenp. 165-180
- Grandpa and the statue / Arthur Millerp. 267-281
- The halls of congress / edited by Joseph Gottliebp. 135-154
- The house I live in / Arch Obolerp. 385-397
- Inside a kid's head / Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Leep. 181-201
- Japan's advance base : The Bonin Island / Arnold Marquisp. 369-384
- Japanese-Americans / Harry Kleinerp. 221-237
- The last day of the war / Arthur Laurentsp. 91-110
- London by clipper / Norman Corwinp. 203-219
- The lonesome train / Millard Lampellp. 239-250
- Mister Ledford and the tva / Alan Lomaxp. 47-58
- The negro domestic / Roi Ottleyp. 353-368
- North Atlantic testament / father Timothy J. Mulveyp. 295-316
- Open letter on race hatred / William N. Robsonp. 59-77
- Pacific task force / Lawrence Laderp. 335-344
- Radioman Jack Cooper / Hector Chevignyp. 155-164
- Typhus / Bernard Victor Dryerp. 317-333
- Will this earth hold? / Pearl S. Buckp. 17-30