Pardon me, sir, but is my eye hurting your elbow? / written by Gregory Corso, Bruce Jay Friedman, Allen Ginsberg, ... [et al.] ; and Bob Booker & George Foster. - [S.l.] : Bernard Geis Associates, c. 1968.
[S.l.] : Bernard Geis Associates, c. 1968
Descrizione fisica
170 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Nota generale
Sulla sovracop.: Bob Booker and George Foster present an original screenplay. - Contiene: Plums and prunes / T. Southern. An incident in the park / A. Kopit. The game of civilisation / H. Gold. Juan Feldman / J. Richardson. Mr. Gordon makes out / B. J. Friedman. The lunch / B. Booker and G. Foster. Don't go away mad / A. Ginzberg. Reg. U.S. pat. off. / A. Weinstein. That little old senior citizen, me / PR. P. Smith. The great American pastime / P. Roth. The little black door on the left / G. Corso
Paese di pubblicazione
Stati Uniti
Lingua del testo
Collocazione: C.S. 4615Localizzazione: Centro Studi TSTNumero inventario: 12583Restrizioni all'accesso: LiberoStatus di disponibilità: Disponibile
responsabilità secondaria
- Don't go away mad / Allen Ginsberg.p. 107-115
- The game of civilization / Herbert Gold.p. 51-56
- The great American pastime / Philip Roth.p. 135-155
- An incident in the park / Arthur Kopitp. 35-47
- Juan Feldman / Jack Richardson.p. 61-73
- The little black door on the left / Gregory Corso.p. 159-163
- The lunch / Bob Booker and George Foster.p. 95-103
- Mr. Gordon makes out / Bruce Jay Friedman.p. 77-91
- Plums and prunes / Terry Southern.p. 21-31
- Reg. Us. pat. off. / Arnold Weinstein.p. 119-125
- That little old senior citizen, me / Robert Paul Smith.p. 129-131