1: World drama from Aeschylus to Turgenev. - Revised edition / edited by John Gassner. - New York : Simon and Schuster, c. 1951.





New York : Simon and Schuster, c. 1951

Descrizione fisica

XVII, 718 p. ; 26 cm

Nota generale

Contiene: Agamemnon / Aeschylus. Oedipus the king / Sophocles. The Trojan women / Euripides. The frogs / Aristophanes. The maenaechmi / Plautus. The brothers / Terence. Shakuntaka / Kalidasa. Sotoba Komachi / Kwanami Kiyotsugu. Abraham and Isaac / Author Unknown. The Second shepherds' play / Author Unknown. Everyman / Author Unknown. The tragical history of Doctor Faustus / Chrisptopher Marlowe. Hamlet / William Shakespeare. Volpone / Ben Jonson. The duchess of Malfi / John Webster. Fuente Ovejuna / Lope de Vega. The misanthrope / Molière. Phaedra / Jean Racine. The ways of the world / William Congreve. The school for scandal / Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Faust. Part one / J. W. Goethe. No trifling with love / Alfred de Musset. Danton's death / Georg Büchner. The inspector / Nikolai Gogol. Maria Magdalena / Friedrich Hebbel. A month in the country / Ivan Turgenev

Paese di pubblicazione

Stati Uniti

Lingua del testo



Collocazione: R. 1167Localizzazione: Centro Studi TSTNumero inventario: 3761Restrizioni all'accesso: LiberoStatus di disponibilità: Disponibile

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