New theatre quarterly. - Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1985-., n. 3 = NTQ 79 (august 2004)
ISBN 0-521-60328-5
- Being a Shyster : re-visioning the actor with learning disabilities / Rachel Karafistanp. 265-279
- Dance culture and statuary politics : Chiang Kai-Shek and the myth of primitivism / Gregory Sportonp. 280-285
- Dialogism and the theatre event : Deborah Warner and Fiona Shaw's "Medea", 2001 / Clara Armandp. 225-236
- The irony of passionate chaos : modernity and performing Medea / Fiona Shaw interviewed by Clara Armandp. 237-244
- Karl Valentin's illogical subversion : stand-up comedy and alienation effect / Oliver Double and Michael Wilsonp. 203-215
- Performing ancient dramna in mask : the case of Greek new comedy / Chris Vervainp. 245-264 : ill.
- The shaman and the epic theatre : the nature of Han in the Korean theatre / Jung-Soon Shimp. 216-224