New theatre quarterly. - Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1985-., n. 3 = NTQ 83 (august 2005)
ISBN 0-521-61356-6
- British brutalism, the "new European drama", and the role of the director / Sanja Nikcevicp. 255-272
- Class and political theatre : the case of Melbourne workers theatre / Glenn D'Cruzp. 207-217 : ill.
- The desacralization of puppetry : a case history from Rajasthan / Poh Sim Plowrightp. 273-298 : ill.
- Irish rioters, Latin American dictators, and desperate optimists' Play-Boy / Neal Swettenhamp. 241-254
- The rise and fall of the Victorian stage baby / Anne Vartyp. 218-229
- Tom Stoppard, new historicism, and estrangemenet in "Travesties" / Zekiye Erp. 230-240