Animals and performance / guest edited by Una Chaudhuri



titolo analitico

Nota generale

Contiene: (De)facing the animals: zooesis and performance / Una Chaudhuri. Performing the open: animals, actors, philosophy / Martin Puchner. The animal apparatus: from a theory of animal acting to an ethics of animal acts / Michael Peterson. Caliban's legacy: primate dramas and the performance of spice / Erika Rundle. Animalworks un China / Meiling Chen. Inappropriate(d) others: or, the difficulty of being a dog / David Williams. Cat's entertainment: feline perfomance in the Lion city / Paul Rae. Murder in the theme park: evangelical animals and the end of the world / Kristin Dombeck. Animal acts: Captive audiences: a concert for the elephants in the jardin des plantes /Walter Putnam. Regarding the pain of rats: Kim Jones's Rat piece / Martin Harries. "I am not an animal": Jan Fabre's Parrotd and Guinea pigs / Marvin Carlson. The salon of becoming animals / Edwina Ashton and Steve Baker

Lingua del testo



Animali nel teatro
Animali nello spettacolo
Agamben, Giorgio
Cina - Teatro - Sec. 21.
Jones, Kim
Fabre, Jan

Teatro stabile

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Centro Studi del Teatro Stabile di Torino
via Rossini, 12 | 10124 Torino
tel. +39 011 5169 405
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