{The works of Beaumont and Fletcher} 2. - London : Edward Moxon, 1840.



volume senza titolo


London : Edward Moxon, 1840

Descrizione fisica

VII, 720 p. : 1 ritr. ; 25 cm

Nota generale

Contiene: The prophetess; The queen of Corinth; Bonduca; The knight of the burning pestle; The double marriage; The knight of Malta; Love's cure, or the martial maid; Women pleased; The woman's prize, or The tamer tamed; The island princess; The noble gentleman; The coxcomb; The sea-voyage; Wit at several weapons; The fair maid of the inn; Cupid's revenge; Thierry and Theodoret; The woman-hater; The nice valour, or The passionate madman; The honest man's fortune; Four plays, or moral representations, in one: The triumph of honour; The triumph of love; The triumph of death; The triumph of time; The faithful friends; The two noble kinsmen; The maid in the mill; Love's pilgrimage; The lovers' progress; The night-walker, or The little thief; The masque of the inner-temple and Gray's inn: Gray's inn and the inner-temple. Recommedatory poems; Beaumont's poems

Paese di pubblicazione

Gran Bretagna

Lingua del testo



Collocazione: C.S.V.Localizzazione: Centro Studi TSTNumero inventario: 27405Restrizioni all'accesso: LiberoStatus di disponibilità: Disponibile

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