Twenty best plays of the modern American theatre / edited with an introduction by John Gassner. - New York : Crown, c. 1939.





New York : Crown, c. 1939

Descrizione fisica

XXII, 874 p. ; 24 cm

Nota generale

Contiene: Winterset; High tor / M. Anderson. Idiot's delight / R.E. Sherwood. Johnny Johnson / P. Green. Green pastures / M. Connelly. You can't take it with you / G.S. Kaufman and M. Hart. End of summer / S.N. Behrman. The animal kingdom / P. Barry. Boy meets girl / B. and S. Spewack. The women / C. Boothe. Yes my darling daughter / M. Reed. Three men on a horse / G. Abbott and J. C. Holm. The children's hour / L. Hellman. Tobacco road / J. Kirkland and E. Caldwell. Of mice and men / J. Steinbeck. Dead end / S. Kingsley. Bury the dead / I. Shaw. The fall of the city / A. MacLeish. Golden boy / C. Odets. Stage door / E. Ferber and G. S. Kaufman

Paese di pubblicazione

Stati Uniti

Lingua del testo



Collocazione: R. 1164Localizzazione: Centro Studi TSTNumero inventario: 3803Restrizioni all'accesso: LiberoStatus di disponibilità: Disponibile

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